Sisters Support Africa

Over the past few years we have conducted a close analysis of wealth disparity and lack of opportunities multiple young people face in Africa. In turn, we provide mentorship, financial support and training opportunities to build the brightest and best minds across Africa who bring about change to their respective communities.

In every corner of the world, young people’s rights are under attack. They are constantly told what they can and cannot do with their lives. They face barriers that stop them from self developing, dreaming and becoming independent. They are constantly told that their voices do not matter.

We decided to put an end to this by stepping in. We do know that change isn’t a one day job however, we are willing to do what it takes until young people gain confidence and their voices are heard again.
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We have supported over 100+ businesses in the past 4 years and within those businesses we have helped  20 young people become millionaires. 

We have fed over 10,000 people in the past 2 years and given out educational equipment to students in order for them to complete their studies and finish with a first class degree. We give out things like laptops, notebooks, pens and clothes. Our aim is to support and help as many people as possible in becoming what they want to be in life. 

Mentorship is something that a lot of young people need in order to stay on track. We have connected people across Africa to mentors in the United Kingdom & Africa in order for their minds to keep expanding and not remaining limited to their communities.

Mission Statement

Sister Support Africa is dedicated to empowering young girls in Africa by removing the barriersthat prevent them from realising their full potential. Through mentorship, financial support, andtraining opportunities, we strive to build the brightest and best minds across Africa who will bringabout positive change to their respective communities. Our mission is to support the girl child inAfrica, with the goal of developing and empowering 20,000 young girls to become leaders andmake a difference in their communities.

We have supported many young people with employment, registering their business and also cv workshops to ensure that they are prepared for the working world after university. 

We have created Economic Development Centres (houses) where young people can receive 1:1 mentorship from leaders and also they can decide to live in those houses with other young inspiring people to ensure that they are constantly around inspiration.

We currently have 2 houses in Nigeria and we are looking to expand this across Africa. Together we can continue to invest into young people and encourage them to become what they dream of becoming. 

We believe the most prestigious future leaders will be raised from our platform.
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